VOO wanted to put forward their new movies and serie titles. Each month there was a new edit of mini – sequences that embodied the DNA of Be tv.
This Premium offering was placed in a premium position in the ad reel, just before the movie starts.
This cinema campaign formed the backbone of a media plan including press magazines, news / TV and digital with OLV (online video).
Cinema acted as the main media while the other media acted as touchpoints to increase repetition.
By applying a long term strategy (June – December) in cinema VOO managed to claim the premium position of the ad reel and moreover to create a fixed moment to present their new series and films of that month.
VOO a utilisé de façon brillante toutes les forces du média: intégration optimale sur base des contenus et création d’un rendez vous mensuel avec la cible des cinéphiles.
Sven Dekoster