Be Inspired


Best practices

Best of OOH

Post date

December 28, 2018


Food, Resto, Street

Objective Campaign

While focusing on a specific Quick product offer, create appeal and interest about the brand and it’s products.

Media Characteristics

Quick used (D)OOH and made sure that all Quick ad creations respected the general golden rules of OOH: simplicity, a single message, packshot showcase and use of brand colors.

Reason best Practice

Quick’s creative agency took up the challenge to use DOOH ad creation as a basis. And it worked !
The DOOH creations are always totally coherent and in-line with the digital creation (same ad developed for both digital & digital out of home!) It shows a simple, creative & easy to understand brand presence during the entire campaign. Not too much animation on the text but a focus on the packshots.

Quick used (D)OOH several times in the last 2 years with a coherent brand positionning.
The result : They outperformed the benchmark with a high recognition score (Cobrapost-test realised by Clear Channel for her CCB assets)



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