DELA – Salut Allemaal

Best practices

Post date

January 8, 2024



Objective Campaign

To get the message across, that Dela is a trustworthy and respectful partner for anyone seeking to arrange funeral assistance or insurance.

Strategy & Execution

We used Flanders biggest en most popular media, to break a major taboo! From the popular television soap Familie, into a native campaign at To uplift the message through a special supplement for Dag Allemaal, called Salut Allemaal, tipping it all off with a special radio show at Joe called Hemelse Helden. 

Reason best Practice

It’s a smart integrated way of using different media, linking them together to get people talking and thinking about a sensitive topic such as funerals and loss of loved ones and resulted in a major increase on brand image for Dela and consideration for the consumers.


Dela is a specialist in funeral assistance and insurance and wants to communicate about their services, without disrespect or being too upfront. We all know that talking about the loss of loved ones, isn’t an easy feature. So it’s important that we tread lightly when communicating about saying farewell and breaking the taboos surrounding death.

By using the most popular media channels from DPG Media, we could integrate the topic in a natural way to open the debate. We integrated a storyline in the famous soap opera Familei, where a character named Benny had to deal with the loss of his father. This storyline was the lever to create a native campaign on where the actor portraying Benny, shared his personal vision on the matter. This was the perfect context to release related articles on the topic for Dela.

But we didn’t stop there! Online and in print, Belgian influencers shared their feelings and emotions on the topic, which lead to a very special edition of the well-known showbizz magazine: Dag Allemaal, to become ‘Salut Allemaal’. An entire supplement on how to care and deal with loss and everything surrounding it.

From Salut Allemaal, we created a radio show called ‘Hemelse Helden’ at Joe. Where we celebrate the most famous artists that passed away.

This full 360° cross media campaign, had a positive impact on Dela’s brand image. Going from 45% as ‘reliable partner’ up to 70% is a major increase! Most importantly, Dela and DPG Media got people talking about a sensitive topic. 33% was already thinking about their way to say goodbye, after the campaign, 59% reflected upon the matter at hand.


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