Target audience – With Duvel 666, Duvel launched an accessible beer to the market. Delhaize was looking for effective ways to introduce the new beer to its customers.
Objectives – Raise awareness of this new product. Drive customers to store to buy it Stimulate trial (acquisition)
Strategy & Execution
Target relevant consumers via past purchase behaviour & predictive acquisition modeling
Get the new beer into the minds & hands of consumers via a media mix of magazines, social media & Paper Mail
Stimulate trial by adding an activating coupon to a visually attractive postcard
Reason best Practice
Thanks to the recognizable glass, 89% of blind recallers correctly attributed the campaign to Duvel.
59% of readers would consider buying Duvel 666 if they would need a strong beer vs only 29% of non-readers
31% intent to act among unaware prospects (48% of postcard receivers didn’t yet know Duvel 666). This lifts up to 82% among receivers who already tried Duvel 666
The Eye of the Expert
“It is incredible how simple, yet effective this Paper Mail campaign was. What surprises me most is the acquisition impact among people who didn’t even hear of Duvel 666 yet before receiving the postcard”