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Best practices

Best of OOH

Post date

March 28, 2019


Finance, Out Of the Box, Point of Interest, Services

Objective Campaign

The main objective of the campaign is to increase and reinforce brand awareness around the concept and the logo of « Votre Courtier, votre meilleure Assurance » as well as underlining the personalised services provided by their independant insurance brokers. 

The campaign was mainly focused on two major Belgian events which have a key strategic role in the insurance sector, being the Brussels Motor Show for the automotive industry and Batibouw for the construction business.

Media Characteristics

In the specific context of the Brussels Motor Show and Batibouw, regarding OOH postering the choice has been made to use large LED billboard of 32m2at the heart of the exhibition access and a large landscape panel of 34m2 on the parking.

 To ensure direct interaction with the public and to guarantee succesful activation, different activities were carried out, such as the give away of practical promotional items and a virtual reality experience allowing the visitor to drive his dream car and to win an insurance.

Reason best Practice

The approach of BROCOM was very ingenious and represents probably the highest efficiency ratio on target regarding their investment, since cars and houses are definitely the most insured properties and where an personalised service is appreciated. 

The campaign has been an overall success on the level of the end consumers, but also regarding the satisfaction of the independant brokers.



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