Be Inspired

Adidas NMD_V3

Best practices

Best of OOH

Post date

December 21, 2023


Fashion, Out Of the Box

Objective Campaign

Creating awareness about the renewed adidas’ ‘NMD_V3’ and the rebranded logo of ‘adidas Originals’.

Media Characteristics

The campaign took place during 4 weeks in September 2022.
For this campaign, we collaborated with Mediafield. For the ‘NMD_V3’ campaign, the client chose the Mural ‘Bruxelles-Midi’ of 200m².
For ‘adidas Originals’ the client chose the Mural ‘Herrmann-Debroux’ of 105m².
Both very impactful formats that were reinforced because they are first preceded by a week of manual painting.

Reason best Practice

Not only was the use of the Murals very eye catching, but on top of that, the impact was enhanced.
The Mural for ‘adidas Originals’ at Herrmann-Debroux, got a 3D painting of the Adidas logo, with an absolute phenomenal result.
For the Mural for ‘NMD-V3’ at Bruxelles-Midi, artists painted a beautiful image of Golden Ball winner Karim Benzema. This Mural became even more impactful because it was beamed on, making it seem as if the Mural came to life.

In addition to the Murals themselves, the campaign came to life as 8 influencers (with 157.300 followers) posted the Murals in their Lives on Instagram and discussed the creations.
It resulted in 80.000 views on influencer content, 80.620 views on reels, 12.063 engagement on reels and50.015 accounts reached on stories.
Youth internet platform Tagmag (with 98,200 followers) hung out with the influencers and made a coverage on what they thought of the new shoes. Good for 26,500 views on reels and 12,000 views on YouTube.



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